Posts tagged ‘Xbox Live Arcade’

Braid. Crazy. Braid.

Find the Princess!

Find the Princess!

We all know Super Mario Bros. so much, that in fact this game gave me a lot of dejevu while playing. You run around and bop things on the head and progress solely to the right with no other direction in the game. Your goal is to at the end get to the flag and rescue the princess, who is usually in another castle. Yes, I said it, another castle. The only single deviation from this otherwise inspired game is the fact that your hero, who remains nameless, has the ability to rewind time.

This has been done in other games, sure. However it was usually for only a couple of seconds and then you have to wait for the “power” or whatever gimmick it is to recharge. Braid offers you complete control over the stop, start and even pause of time – infinately. In fact, if you want to, you can rewind the entire level backwards if you want to redo it. In real time, with no loading. No THAT’S progress.

For $15 on the Xbox Live Arcade, Braid is my bargain game for the week.

August 27, 2008 at 12:50 pm 1 comment

